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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-8200109

NMT: diff_malloc_site assert(early->flags() == current->flags(), "Must be the same memory type")

    • b08
    • x86
    • windows

        void MemDetailDiffReporter::diff_malloc_site(const MallocSite* early, const MallocSite* current) const {
          assert(early->flags() == current->flags(), "Must be the same memory type"); <<--- here
          diff_malloc_site(current->call_stack(), current->size(), current->count(),
            early->size(), early->count(), early->flags());

        MallocSite* early:

           +0x000 _call_stack : NativeCallStack
              +0x000 __VFN_table : 0x00000000`579fc640
              =00000000`58102340 EMPTY_STACK : NativeCallStack
              +0x008 _stack :
               [00] 0x00000000`56cf83dc "H???"
               [01] 0x00000000`57250b88 "???"
               [02] 0x00000000`56e9e871 "H???"
               [03] 0x00000000`56d77abc "H???"
              +0x028 _hash_value : 0x5bb5f291
           +0x030 e : MemoryCounter
              +0x000 _count : 0xc
              +0x008 _size : 0x4600
              +0x010 _peak_count : 0x1e
              +0x018 _peak_size : 0x5500
           +0x050 _flags : 7 ( mtInternal ) <<--

        MallocSite* current:

           +0x000 _call_stack : NativeCallStack
              +0x000 __VFN_table : 0x00000000`579fc640
              =00000000`58102340 EMPTY_STACK : NativeCallStack
              +0x008 _stack :
               [00] 0x00000000`56cf83dc "H???"
               [01] 0x00000000`57250b88 "???"
               [02] 0x00000000`56e9e871 "H???"
               [03] 0x00000000`56d77abc "H???"
              +0x028 _hash_value : 0x5bb5f291
           +0x030 e : MemoryCounter
              +0x000 _count : 1
              +0x008 _size : 0x400
              +0x010 _peak_count : 4
              +0x018 _peak_size : 0x2c200
           +0x050 _flags : 5 ( mtGC ) <----
        MallocSite stack:

        jvm!AllocateHeap+0x37 [d:\dev\jdk\sandboxes\jfr_open_source\open\src\hotspot\share\memory\allocation.inline.hpp @ 70]:
        00000000`56cf83d7 e8a4659600 call jvm!NativeCallStack::NativeCallStack (00000000`5765e980)
        00000000`56cf83dc 4889442420 mov qword ptr [rsp+20h],rax
        jvm!GenericGrowableArray::raw_allocate+0xb3 [d:\dev\jdk\sandboxes\jfr_open_source\open\src\hotspot\share\utilities\growablearray.cpp @ 55]:
        00000000`57250b83 e81878aaff call jvm!AllocateHeap (00000000`56cf83a0)
        00000000`57250b88 eb18 jmp jvm!GenericGrowableArray::raw_allocate+0xd2 (00000000`57250ba2)
        jvm!GrowableArray<void * __ptr64>::grow+0x5c [d:\dev\jdk\sandboxes\jfr_open_source\open\src\hotspot\share\utilities\growablearray.hpp @ 446]:
        00000000`56e9e86c e85f223b00 call jvm!GenericGrowableArray::raw_allocate (00000000`57250ad0)
        00000000`56e9e871 4889442438 mov qword ptr [rsp+38h],rax
        jvm!GrowableArray<InlineTree * __ptr64>::append+0x37 [d:\dev\jdk\sandboxes\jfr_open_source\open\src\hotspot\share\utilities\growablearray.hpp @ 216]:
        00000000`56d77ab7 e8546d1200 call jvm!GrowableArray<void * __ptr64>::grow (00000000`56e9e810)
        00000000`56d77abc 488b442440 mov rax,qword ptr [rsp+40h]


          assert(early->flags() == current->flags(), "Must be the same memory type");


        assert( 7 ( mtInternal ) == 5 ( mtGC ) "Must be the same memory type");

        Attaching a file with assert context. There exist a 17GB mdmp file on my local workstation. Issue appeared when running Kitchensink locally.

              zgu Zhengyu Gu
              mgronlun Markus Grönlund
              0 Vote for this issue
              6 Start watching this issue
