Resolution: Delivered
Gavin Bierman
Enhance the Java programming language with pattern matching for switch
expressions and statements. Extending pattern matching to switch
allows an
expression to be tested against a number of patterns, each with a specific
action, so that complex data-oriented queries can be expressed concisely and
safely. This is a preview language feature.
Pattern Matching for switch
was proposed as a preview feature
by JEP 406 and delivered in
JDK 17, and proposed
for a second preview by
JEP 420 and delivered in
JDK 18. This JEP
proposes a third preview with further refinements based upon continued
experience and feedback.
The main changes since the second preview are:
Guarded patterns are replaced with
clauses in switch blocks.The runtime semantics of a pattern switch when the value of the selector expression is
are more closely aligned with legacy switch semantics.
Expand the expressiveness and applicability of
expressions and statements by allowing patterns to appear incase
labels.Allow the historical null-hostility of
to be relaxed when desired.Increase the safety of
statements by requiring that patternswitch
statements cover all possible input values.Ensure that all existing
expressions and statements continue to compile with no changes and execute with identical semantics.
In Java 16, JEP 394 extended the instanceof
operator to take a
type pattern and perform pattern matching. This modest extension allows the
familiar instanceof-and-cast idiom to be simplified:
// Old code
if (o instanceof String) {
String s = (String)o;
... use s ...
// New code
if (o instanceof String s) {
... use s ...
We often want to compare a variable such as o
against multiple alternatives.
Java supports multi-way comparisons with switch
statements and, since
Java 14, switch
expressions (JEP 361), but unfortunately
is very limited. You can only switch on values of a few types —
integral primitive types (excluding long
), their corresponding boxed forms,
enum types, and String
— and you can only test for exact equality against
constants. We might like to use patterns to test the same variable against a
number of possibilities, taking a specific action on each, but since the
existing switch
does not support that we end up with a chain of if...else
tests such as:
static String formatter(Object o) {
String formatted = "unknown";
if (o instanceof Integer i) {
formatted = String.format("int %d", i);
} else if (o instanceof Long l) {
formatted = String.format("long %d", l);
} else if (o instanceof Double d) {
formatted = String.format("double %f", d);
} else if (o instanceof String s) {
formatted = String.format("String %s", s);
return formatted;
This code benefits from using pattern instanceof
expressions, but it is far
from perfect. First and foremost, this approach allows coding errors to remain
hidden because we have used an overly general control construct. The intent is
to assign something to formatted
in each arm of the if...else
chain, but
there is nothing that enables the compiler to identify and verify this
invariant. If some block — perhaps one that is executed rarely — does not assign
to formatted
, we have a bug. (Declaring formatted
as a blank local would at
least enlist the compiler’s definite-assignment analysis in this effort, but
developers do not always write such declarations.) In addition, the above code
is not optimizable; absent compiler heroics it will have O(_n_) time
complexity, even though the underlying problem is often O(1).
But switch
is a perfect match for pattern matching! If we extend switch
statements and expressions to work on any type, and allow case
labels with
patterns rather than just constants, then we can rewrite the above code more
clearly and reliably:
static String formatterPatternSwitch(Object o) {
return switch (o) {
case Integer i -> String.format("int %d", i);
case Long l -> String.format("long %d", l);
case Double d -> String.format("double %f", d);
case String s -> String.format("String %s", s);
default -> o.toString();
The semantics of this switch
are clear: A case
label with a pattern applies
if the value of the selector expression o
matches the pattern. (We have shown
a switch
expression for brevity but could instead have shown a switch
statement; the switch block, including the case
labels, would be unchanged.)
The intent of this code is clearer because we are using the right control
construct: We are saying, "the parameter o
matches at most one of the
following conditions, figure it out and evaluate the corresponding arm." As a
bonus, it is optimizable; in this case we are more likely to be able to perform
the dispatch in O(1) time.
Pattern switches and null
Traditionally, switch
statements and expressions throw NullPointerException
if the selector expression evaluates to null
, so testing for null
must be
done outside of the switch
static void testFooBar(String s) {
if (s == null) {
switch (s) {
case "Foo", "Bar" -> System.out.println("Great");
default -> System.out.println("Ok");
This was reasonable when switch
supported only a few reference types.
However, if switch
allows a selector expression of any type, and case
can have type patterns, then the standalone null
test feels like an arbitrary
distinction, and invites needless boilerplate and opportunity for error. It
would be better to integrate the null
test into the switch
by allowing a new
case label:
static void testFooBar(String s) {
switch (s) {
case null -> System.out.println("Oops");
case "Foo", "Bar" -> System.out.println("Great");
default -> System.out.println("Ok");
The behavior of the switch
when the value of the selector expression is null
is always determined by its case
labels. With a case null
, the switch
executes the code associated with that label; without a case null
, the
throws NullPointerException
, just as before. (To maintain backward
compatibility with the current semantics of switch
, the default
label does
not match a null
We may wish to combine null
with another case
label. For example, in the
following code, the label case null, String s
matches both the null
value and all
static void testStringOrNull(Object o) {
switch (o) {
case null, String s -> System.out.println("String: " + s);
default -> System.out.println("Something else");
Case refinement
Experimentation with patterns in switch
suggests it is common to want to
refine the test embodied by a pattern label. For example, consider the following
code that switches over a Shape
class Shape {}
class Rectangle extends Shape {}
class Triangle extends Shape { int calculateArea() { ... } }
static void testTriangle(Shape s) {
switch (s) {
case null:
case Triangle t:
if (t.calculateArea() > 100) {
System.out.println("Large triangle");
System.out.println("A shape, possibly a small triangle");
The intent of this code is to have a special case for large triangles (those
whose area is over 100), and a default case for everything else (including small
triangles). However, we cannot express this directly with a single pattern. We
first have to write a case
label that matches all triangles, and then place
the test of the area of the triangle rather uncomfortably within the
corresponding statement group. Then we have to use fall-through to get the
correct behavior when the triangle has an area less than 100. (Note the careful
placement of the break
statement inside the if
The problem here is that using a single pattern to discriminate among cases does
not scale beyond a single condition — we need some way to express a refinement
to a pattern. One approach is to introduce guarded patterns, written p && b
that allow a pattern p
to be refined by an arbitrary boolean expression b
We implemented guarded patterns in the predecessors of this JEP. Based upon
experience and feedback we propose instead to allow when
clauses in switch
blocks to specify guards to pattern labels, e.g., case Triangle t when
t.calculateArea() > 100
. We refer to such a pattern label as a guarded
pattern label, and to the boolean expression as the guard.
With this approach, we can revisit the testTriangle
code to express the
special case for large triangles directly. This eliminates the use of
fall-through in the switch
statement, which in turn means we can enjoy concise
arrow-style (->
) rules:
static void testTriangle(Shape s) {
switch (s) {
case null ->
{ break; }
case Triangle t
when t.calculateArea() > 100 ->
System.out.println("Large triangle");
default ->
System.out.println("A shape, possibly a small triangle");
The first clause is taken if the value of s
matches the pattern Triangle t
and subsequently the guard t.calculateArea() > 100
evaluates to true
(The guard is able to use any pattern variables that are declared by the pattern
in the case
Using switch
makes it easy to understand and change case labels when
application requirements change. For example, we might want to split triangles
out of the default path; we can do that by using two case clauses, one with a
guard and one without:
static void testTriangle(Shape s) {
switch (s) {
case null ->
{ break; }
case Triangle t
when t.calculateArea() > 100 ->
System.out.println("Large triangle");
case Triangle t ->
System.out.println("Small triangle");
default ->
We enhance switch
statements and expressions in three ways:
labels to include patterns andnull
in addition to constants,Broaden the range of types permitted for the selector expressions of both
statements andswitch
expressions, andAllow optional
clauses to followcase
For convenience, we also introduce parenthesized patterns.
Patterns in switch labels
The main enhancement is to introduce a new case p
switch label, where p
is a
pattern. The essence of switch
is unchanged: The value of the selector
expression is compared to the switch labels, one of the labels is selected, and
the code associated with that label is executed or evaluated. The difference now
is that for case
labels with patterns, the label selected is determined by the
result of pattern matching rather than by an equality test. For example, in the
following code, the value of o
matches the pattern Long l
, and the
expression associated with the label case Long l
is evaluated:
Object o = 123L;
String formatted = switch (o) {
case Integer i -> String.format("int %d", i);
case Long l -> String.format("long %d", l);
case Double d -> String.format("double %f", d);
case String s -> String.format("String %s", s);
default -> o.toString();
After a successful pattern match we often further test the result of the match. This can lead to cumbersome code, such as:
static void test(Object o) {
switch (o) {
case String s:
if (s.length() == 1) { ... }
else { ... }
The desired test — that o
is a String
of length 1 — is unfortunately split
between the pattern case
label and the following if
To address this we introduce guarded pattern labels by supporting an optional guard after the pattern label. This allows the above code to be rewritten so that all the conditional logic is lifted into the switch label:
static void test(Object o) {
switch (o) {
case String s when s.length() == 1 -> ...
case String s -> ...
The first clause matches if o
is both a String
and of length 1. The second
case matches if o
is a String
of any length.
Only pattern labels can have a guard. For example, it is not valid to write a
label with a case
constant and a guard, e.g. case "Hello" when
Sometimes we need to parenthesize patterns to improve readability. We therefore
extend the language of patterns to support parenthesized patterns written
, where p
is a pattern. A parenthesized pattern (p)
introduces the
pattern variables that are introduced by the subpattern p
. A value matches a
parenthesized pattern (p)
if it matches the pattern p
There are four major language design areas to consider when supporting patterns
in switch
- Enhanced type checking
- Exhaustiveness of
expressions and statements - Scope of pattern variable declarations
- Dealing with
1. Enhanced type checking
1a. Selector expression typingSupporting patterns in switch
means that we can relax the current restrictions
on the type of the selector expression. Currently the type of the selector
expression of a normal switch
must be either an integral primitive type
(excluding long
), the corresponding boxed form (i.e., Character
, Byte
, or Integer
), String
, or an enum
type. We extend this and require
that the type of the selector expression be either an integral primitive type
(excluding long
) or any reference type.
For example, in the following pattern switch
the selector expression o
matched with type patterns involving a class type, an enum type, a record type,
and an array type, along with a null
label and a default
record Point(int i, int j) {}
enum Color { RED, GREEN, BLUE; }
static void typeTester(Object o) {
switch (o) {
case null -> System.out.println("null");
case String s -> System.out.println("String");
case Color c -> System.out.println("Color: " + c.toString());
case Point p -> System.out.println("Record class: " + p.toString());
case int[] ia -> System.out.println("Array of ints of length" + ia.length);
default -> System.out.println("Something else");
Every case
label in the switch block must be compatible with the selector
expression. For a case
label with a pattern, known as a pattern label, we
use the existing notion of compatibility of an expression with a pattern
(JLS §14.30.1).
Supporting pattern labels means that it is now possible for multiple labels to
apply to the value of a selector expression (previously, all case labels were
disjoint). For example, both the labels case String s
and case CharSequence
could apply to a value of type String
The first issue to resolve is deciding exactly which label should apply in this circumstance. Rather than attempt a complicated best-fit approach, we adopt a simpler semantics: The first pattern label appearing in a switch block that applies to a value is chosen.
static void first(Object o) {
switch (o) {
case String s ->
System.out.println("A string: " + s);
case CharSequence cs ->
System.out.println("A sequence of length " + cs.length());
default -> {
In this example, if the value of o
is of type String
then the first pattern
label will apply; if it is of type CharSequence
but not of type String
the second pattern label will apply.
But what happens if we swap the order of these two pattern labels?
static void error(Object o) {
switch (o) {
case CharSequence cs ->
System.out.println("A sequence of length " + cs.length());
case String s -> // Error - pattern is dominated by previous pattern
System.out.println("A string: " + s);
default -> {
Now if the value of o
is of type String
the CharSequence
pattern label
applies, since it appears first in the switch block. The String
pattern label
is unreachable in the sense that there is no value of the selector expression
that would cause it to be chosen. By analogy to unreachable code, this is
treated as a programmer error and results in a compile-time error.
More precisely, we say that the first pattern label case CharSequence cs
dominates the second pattern label case String s
because every value that
matches the pattern String s
also matches the pattern CharSequence cs
, but
not vice versa. This is because the type of the second pattern, String
, is a
subtype of the type of the first pattern, CharSequence
An unguarded pattern label dominates a guarded pattern label that has the same
pattern. For example, the (unguarded) pattern label case String s
the guarded pattern label case String s when s.length() > 0
, since every value
that matches the pattern label case String s when s.length() > 0
must match
the pattern label case String s
A guarded pattern label dominates another pattern label (guarded or unguarded)
only when both the former's pattern dominates the latter's pattern and when
its guard is a constant expression of value true
. For example, the guarded
pattern label case String s when true
dominates the pattern label case String
. We do not analyze the guarding expression any further in order to determine
more precisely which values match the pattern label (a problem which is
undecidable in general).
A pattern label can dominate a constant label. For example, the pattern label
case Integer i
dominates the constant label case 42
, and the pattern label
case E e
dominates the constant label case A
when A
is an enum constant of
enum class type E
. A guarded pattern label dominates a constant label if the
same pattern label without the when
clause does. In other words, we do not
check the guard, since this is undecidable in general. For example, the pattern
label case String s when s.length() > 1
dominates the constant label case
, as expected; but case Integer i when i != 0
dominates the label
case 0
All this suggests a simple, predictable, and readable ordering of case labels in which the constant labels should appear before the guarded pattern labels, and those should appear before the unguarded pattern labels:
Integer i = ...
switch (i) {
case -1, 1 -> ... // Special cases
case Integer i when i > 0 -> ... // Positive integer cases
case Integer i -> ... // All the remaining integers
The compiler checks all labels. It is a compile-time error for a label in a switch block to be dominated by an earlier label in that switch block. This dominance requirement ensures that if a switch block contains only type pattern case labels, they will appear in subtype order.
(The notion of dominance is analogous to conditions on the catch
clauses of a
statement, where it is an error if a catch
clause that catches an
exception class E
is preceded by a catch
clause that can catch E
or a
superclass of E
(JLS §11.2.3). Logically, the preceding
clause dominates the subsequent catch
It is also a compile-time error for a switch block of a switch
expression or
statement to have more than one match-all switch label. The match-all
labels are default
and pattern labels where the pattern unconditionally
matches the selector expression. For example, the type pattern String s
unconditionally matches a selector expression of type String
, and the type
pattern Object o
unconditionally matches a selector expression of any
reference type.
2. Exhaustiveness of switch
expressions and statements
A switch
expression requires that all possible values of the selector
expression be handled in the switch block; in other words, it is exhaustive.
This maintains the property that successful evaluation of a switch
will always yield a value. For normal switch
expressions, this is enforced by
a fairly straightforward set of extra conditions on the switch block.
For pattern switch
expressions and statements, we achieve this by defining a
notion of type coverage of switch labels in a switch block. The type coverage
of all the switch labels in the switch block is then combined to determine if
the switch block exhausts all the possibilities of the selector expression.
Consider this (erroneous) pattern switch
static int coverage(Object o) {
return switch (o) { // Error - not exhaustive
case String s -> s.length();
The switch block has only one switch label, case String s
. This matches any
value of the selector expression whose type is a subtype of String
. We
therefore say that the type coverage of this switch label is every subtype of
. This pattern switch
expression is not exhaustive because the type
coverage of its switch block (all subtypes of String
) does not include the
type of the selector expression (Object
Consider this (still erroneous) example:
static int coverage(Object o) {
return switch (o) { // Error - still not exhaustive
case String s -> s.length();
case Integer i -> i;
The type coverage of this switch block is the union of the coverage of its two
switch labels. In other words, the type coverage is the set of all subtypes of
and the set of all subtypes of Integer
. But, again, the type coverage
still does not include the type of the selector expression, so this pattern
expression is also not exhaustive and causes a compile-time error.
The type coverage of a default
label is all types, so this example is (at
last!) legal:
static int coverage(Object o) {
return switch (o) {
case String s -> s.length();
case Integer i -> i;
default -> 0;
If the type of the selector expression is a sealed class
(JEP 409), then the type coverage check can take into account the
clause of the sealed class to determine whether a switch block is
exhaustive. This can sometimes remove the need for a default
clause. Consider
the following example of a sealed
interface S
with three permitted
subclasses A
, B
, and C
sealed interface S permits A, B, C {}
final class A implements S {}
final class B implements S {}
record C(int i) implements S {} // Implicitly final
static int testSealedExhaustive(S s) {
return switch (s) {
case A a -> 1;
case B b -> 2;
case C c -> 3;
The compiler can determine that the type coverage of the switch block is the
types A
, B
, and C
. Since the type of the selector expression, S
, is a
sealed interface whose permitted subclasses are exactly A
, B
, and C
, this
switch block is exhaustive. As a result, no default
label is needed.
Some extra care is needed when a permitted direct subclass only implements a
specific parameterization of a (generic) sealed
superclass. For example:
sealed interface I<T> permits A, B {}
final class A<X> implements I<String> {}
final class B<Y> implements I<Y> {}
static int testGenericSealedExhaustive(I<Integer> i) {
return switch (i) {
// Exhaustive as no A case possible!
case B<Integer> bi -> 42;
The only permitted subclasses of I
are A
and B
, but the compiler can
detect that the switch block need only cover the class B
to be exhaustive
since the selector expression is of type I<Integer>
To defend against incompatible separate compilation, in this case of a switch
over a sealed class where the switch block is exhaustive and there is no
match-all case, the compiler automatically adds a default
label whose code
throws an IncompatibleClassChangeError
. This label will only be reached if the
interface is changed and the switch
code is not recompiled. In
effect, the compiler hardens your code for you.
This condition of exhaustiveness applies to both pattern switch
and pattern switch
statements. To ensure backward compatibility, all
existing switch
statements will compile unchanged. But if a switch
uses any of the switch
enhancements detailed in this JEP, then the compiler
will check that it is exhaustive. (Future compilers of the Java language may
emit warnings for legacy switch
statements that are not exhaustive.)
More precisely, exhaustiveness is required of any switch
statement that uses
pattern or null
labels or whose selector expression is not one of the legacy
types (char
, byte
, short
, int
, Character
, Byte
, Short
, Integer
, or an enum type). For example:
sealed interface S permits A, B, C {}
final class A implements S {}
final class B implements S {}
record C(int i) implements S {} // Implicitly final
static void switchStatementExhaustive(S s) {
switch (s) { // Error - not exhaustive;
// missing clause for permitted class B!
case A a :
case C c :
Making most switches exhaustive is just a matter of adding a simple default
clause at the end of the switch block. This leads to clearer and easier to
verify code. For example, the following pattern switch
statement is not
exhaustive and is erroneous:
Object o = ...
switch (o) { // Error - not exhaustive!
case String s:
case Integer i:
It can be made exhaustive trivially:
Object o = ...
switch (o) {
case String s:
case Integer i:
default: // Now exhaustive!
The notion of exhaustiveness is made more complicated by record patterns (JEP 405) since these patterns support the nesting of other patterns inside them. Accordingly, the notion of exhaustiveness has to reflect this potentially recursive structure.
3. Scope of pattern variable declarations
Pattern variables (JEP 394) are local variables that are
declared by patterns. Pattern variable declarations are unusual in that their
scope is flow-sensitive. As a recap consider the following example, where the
type pattern String s
declares the pattern variable s
static void test(Object o) {
if ((o instanceof String s) && s.length() > 3) {
} else {
System.out.println("Not a string");
The declaration of s
is in scope in the right-hand operand of the &&
expression, as well as in the "then" block. However, it is not in scope in the
"else" block; in order for control to transfer to the "else" block the pattern
match must fail, in which case the pattern variable will not have been
We extend this flow-sensitive notion of scope for pattern variable declarations
to encompass pattern declarations occurring in case
labels with three new
The scope of a pattern variable declaration which occurs in a switch label includes any
clause of that label.The scope of a pattern variable declaration which occurs in a
label of aswitch
rule includes the expression, block, orthrow
statement that appears to the right of the arrow.The scope of a pattern variable declaration which occurs in a
label of aswitch
labeled statement group includes the block statements of the statement group. Falling through acase
label that declares a pattern variable is forbidden.
This example shows the first rule in action:
static void test(Object o) {
switch (o) {
case Character c
when c.charValue() == 7:
The scope of the declaration of the pattern variable c
includes the when
expression of the switch label.
This variant shows the second rule in action:
static void test(Object o) {
switch (o) {
case Character c -> {
if (c.charValue() == 7) {
case Integer i ->
throw new IllegalStateException("Invalid Integer argument: "
+ i.intValue());
default -> {
Here the scope of the declaration of the pattern variable c
is the block to
the right of the first arrow. The scope of the declaration of the pattern
variable i
is the throw
statement to the right of the second arrow.
The third rule is more complicated. Let us first consider an example where
there is only one case
label for a switch
labeled statement group:
static void test(Object o) {
switch (o) {
case Character c:
if (c.charValue() == 7) {
System.out.print("Ding ");
if (c.charValue() == 9) {
System.out.print("Tab ");
The scope of the declaration of the pattern variable c
includes all the
statements of the statement group, namely the two if
statements and
the println
statement. The scope does not include the statements of the
statement group, even though the execution of the first statement
group can fall through the default
switch label and execute these statements.
We forbid the possibility of falling through a case
label that declares a
pattern variable. Consider this erroneous example:
static void test(Object o) {
switch (o) {
case Character c:
if (c.charValue() == 7) {
System.out.print("Ding ");
if (c.charValue() == 9) {
System.out.print("Tab ");
case Integer i: // Compile-time error
System.out.println("An integer " + i);
If this were allowed and the value of the selector expression o
were a
, then execution of the switch block could fall through the second
statement group (after case Integer i:
) where the pattern variable i
not have been initialized. Allowing execution to fall through a case
label that
declares a pattern variable is therefore a compile-time error.
This is why a switch label consisting of multiple pattern labels, e.g. case
Character c: case Integer i: ...
, is not permitted. Similar reasoning applies
to the prohibition of multiple patterns within a single case
label: Neither
case Character c, Integer i: ...
nor case Character c, Integer i -> ...
allowed. If such case
labels were allowed then both c
and i
would be in
scope after the colon or arrow, yet only one of them would have been initialized
depending on whether the value of o
was a Character
or an Integer
On the other hand, falling through a label that does not declare a pattern variable is safe, as this example shows:
void test(Object o) {
switch (o) {
case String s:
System.out.println("A string");
4. Dealing with null
4a. Matching null
Traditionally, a switch
throws NullPointerException
if the selector
expression evaluates to null
. This is well-understood behavior and we do not
propose to change it for any existing switch
However, given that there is a reasonable and non-exception-bearing semantics
for pattern matching and null
values, we have an opportunity to make pattern
more null
-friendly while remaining compatible with existing switch
First, we introduce a new null
label for a case
. We then lift the blanket
rule that a switch
immediately throws NullPointerException
if the value of
the selector expression is null
. Instead, we inspect the case
labels to
determine the behavior of a switch
If the selector expression evaluates to
then anynull
case label is said to match. If there is no such label associated with the switch block then theswitch
, as before.If the selector expression evaluates to a non-
value then we select a matchingcase
label, as normal. If nocase
label matches then anydefault
label is considered to match.
For example, given the declaration below, evaluating test(null)
will print
rather than throw NullPointerException
static void test(Object o) {
switch (o) {
case null -> System.out.println("null!");
case String s -> System.out.println("String");
default -> System.out.println("Something else");
This new behavior around null
is as if the compiler automatically
enriches the switch block with a case null
whose body throws
. In other words, this code:
static void test(Object o) {
switch (o) {
case String s -> System.out.println("String: " + s);
case Integer i -> System.out.println("Integer");
default -> System.out.println("default");
is equivalent to:
static void test(Object o) {
switch (o) {
case null -> throw new NullPointerException();
case String s -> System.out.println("String: "+s);
case Integer i -> System.out.println("Integer");
default -> System.out.println("default");
In both examples, evaluating test(null)
will cause NullPointerException
be thrown.
We preserve the intuition from the existing switch
construct that performing a
switch over null
is an exceptional thing to do. The difference in a pattern
is that you have a mechanism to directly handle this case inside the
rather than outside. If you see a null
label in a switch block, then
this label will match a null
value. If you do not see a null
label in a
switch block, then switching over a null
value will throw
, as before.
As of Java 16, switch
blocks support two styles: one based on labeled groups of
statements (the :
form) where fall-through is possible, and one based on
single-consequent form (the ->
form) where fall-through is not possible. In
the former style, multiple labels are typically written case l1: case l2:
whereas in the latter style, multiple labels are written case l1, l2 ->
Supporting null
labels means that a number of special cases can be expressed
in the :
form. For example:
Object o = ...
switch (o) {
case null: case String s:
System.out.println("String, including null");
Developers reasonably expect the :
and ->
forms to be equally expressive,
and that if case A: case B:
is supported in the former style, then case A, B
should be supported in the latter style. Consequently, the previous example
suggests that we should support a case null, String s ->
label, as follows:
Object o = ...
switch (o) {
case null, String s -> System.out.println("String, including null");
The value of o
matches this label when either it is the null reference, or it
is a String
. In both cases, the pattern variable s
is initialized with the
value of o
. (The reverse form, case String s, null
is also allowed, and
behaves identically.)
It is also meaningful, and not uncommon, to combine a null
case with a
label, i.e.,
Object o = ...
switch (o) {
case null: default:
System.out.println("The rest (including null)");
Again, this should be supported in the ->
form. To do so we introduce a new
case label:
Object o = ...
switch (o) {
case null, default ->
System.out.println("The rest (including null)");
The value of o
matches this label if either it is the null reference value,
or no other labels match.
Future work
At the moment, a pattern
does not support the primitive typesboolean
, anddouble
. Their utility seems minimal, but support for these could be added.We expect that, in the future, general classes will be able to declare deconstruction patterns to specify how they can be matched against. Such deconstruction patterns can be used with a pattern
to yield very succinct code. For example, if we have a hierarchy ofExpr
with subtypes forIntExpr
(containing a singleint
(containing twoExpr
s), andNegExpr
(containing a singleExpr
), we can match against anExpr
and act on the specific subtypes all in one step:int eval(Expr n) { return switch (n) { case IntExpr(int i) -> i; case NegExpr(Expr n) -> -eval(n); case AddExpr(Expr left, Expr right) -> eval(left) + eval(right); case MulExpr(Expr left, Expr right) -> eval(left) * eval(right); default -> throw new IllegalStateException(); }; }
Without such pattern matching, expressing ad-hoc polymorphic calculations like this requires using the cumbersome visitor pattern. Pattern matching is generally more transparent and straightforward.
It may also be useful to add AND and OR patterns, to allow more expressivity for
labels with patterns.
Rather than support a pattern
we could instead define a typeswitch
that just supports switching on the type of the selector expression. This feature is simpler to specify and implement but considerably less expressive.There are many other syntactic options for guarded pattern labels, such as
p where e
,p if e
, or evenp &&& e
.An alternative to guarded pattern labels is to support guarded patterns directly as a special pattern form, e.g.
p && e
. Having experimented with this in previous previews, the resulting ambiguity with boolean expressions have lead us to preferwhen
clauses in pattern switches.
This JEP builds on pattern matching for instanceof
(JEP 394) and
also the enhancements offered by switch
expressions (JEP 361). When
JEP 405 (Record Patterns) appears, the resulting
implementation will likely make use of dynamic constants (JEP 309).
- relates to
JDK-8213076 JEP 406: Pattern Matching for switch (Preview)
- Closed
JDK-8273326 JEP 420: Pattern Matching for switch (Second Preview)
- Closed
JDK-8260244 JEP 405: Record Patterns (Preview)
- Closed
JDK-8294285 JEP 433: Pattern Matching for switch (Fourth Preview)
- Closed